You are a wizard beset on all sides by enemies.  Survive as long as you can!

WASD, arrow keys, controller, or touch controls (mobile only) to move.

Update 10/8/2024:

  • Performance improvements

Update 10/7/2024 (Hotfix):

  • Fixed issue where archers are immortal but deal no damage (thanks @Modi for reporting!)
  • Adjusted frame rate tracking to keep track of frame rates higher that 60 fps

Update 10/6/2024 (Fixes and Refactors):

  • Fixed spelling mistake on "Conjure Javelin" (thanks @Modi)
  • Fixed knockback recovery being way too fast when the frame rate is high
  • Started major code refactor for additional performance improvements 
    • Please report any bugs as this refactor is ongoing!

Update 9/30/2024 ([EXPERIMENTAL] Unhinged and Uncapped):

  • Uncapped frame rate
  • Fixed various background bugs
  • Updated chest pickup to display the full item card for the upgrade obtained from the chest
  • Various performance improvements

Update 9/15/2024 (Blitz!):

  • New Spell: Blitz
    • Defensive ability that only fires when the player is hit
    • Deals significant damage and launches the player forward in the direction they are facing
    • Gains additional damage and charges as it levels
    • Does not benefit from ring
  • Updated Spell Thief class to start with Blitz
  • Added Blitz to Hardcore mode
  • Corrected Arcane Blade Level 3 & 4 descriptions to reflect the damage increase
  • Minor visual update to Magic Bolt
  • Slightly increased Tornado acceleration

Update 9/1/2024 (Fix and debugging):

  • Added debugging to print to developer console in browser to help identify source of crashes
  • Fixed  bug where Tornado would not go in the direction the player is facing when using the virtual joystick

Update 8/30/2024 (QoL):

  • Added health bars to mini-bosses

Update 8/29/2024 (Not for the faint of heart):

  • New Game Mode: Hard Mode
    • 1 spell
    • 2 skips
    • No boots
  • Added Back buttons to menus

Update 8/28/2024 (Blade Adjustments):

  • Adjusted Arcane Blade spawn timing and logic to better fit my vision of the spell.
  • Fixed a bug in level up logic that made levels up requirements for levels after 20 to ramp up exponentially (thanks Rawrbot5000 for bringing this back up)
  • Arcane Focus can now be leveled up to level 4 (max was 2)

Update 8/27/2024 (I've studied the [arcane] blade):

  • New Spell: Arcane Blade
    • Melee strike in a circle around the player on a short cooldown
    • Subsequent levels add additional blades to the rotation
    • No knockback (does not scale with force funnel)
    • Benefits from ring
  • New Starting Class: Spellblade
  • Additional UI improvements

Update 8/22/2024 (Limits to Power [Experimental]):

  • Capped upgrades:
    • Max 5 unique spells
    • Max 6 unique passives
  • Swapped locations of player upgrades and enemies destroyed counter

Update 8/22/2024 (UI and Performance Improvements):

  • Minor improvements to Level up UI for improved readability
  • Various optimizations to enemy functionalities to improve performance
    • Added garbage collection to enemy projectiles
    • Reduced per frame overhead of enemy pathfinding logic
    • Reorganized collision and knockback logic to prevent unnecessary overhead

Update 8/20/2024 (More UI Updates):

  • More UI updates to Menus, Level Up screen, and game UI
  • Added FPS performance values to end game screen to capture lowest performance stats

Update 8/19/2024 (UI Updates):

  • Updated frames in UI throughout
  • Updated fonts throughout
  • Updated audio on item pickups to better differentiate items from exp gems
  • Fixed spelling errors

Update 8/17/2024 (Tile Trial):

  • Converted background to a tile map, started work on basic tile set
  • Started level redesign

Update 8/15/2024 (Engine Update and iOS Support):

  • Updated project to Godot 4.3
  • Magic Survivors can now be played on iOS devices
  • Minor performance improvements
  • There be archers...

Update 8/10/2024 (Frames win games):

  • Added an FPS counter in the bottom left of the screen to assist with further performance improvements

Update 8/8/2024 (Gotta go (marginally) fast(er)):

  • Updated Tornado speed to scale with player movement speed
  • Fixed bug on Biscuit pickup causing it to do basically nothing
  • Simplified colliders on all entities to improve performance
  • Reduced memory load per enemy to improve performance

Update 8/4/2024 (Javelin Improvements):

  • Adjusted Javelin speed and return speed to scale based on player movement speed
  • Updated Javelin targeting logic to improve the odds of selecting targets closer to the player
  • Updated Javelin return logic to "encourage" it to stay closer to the player.

Update 8/3/2024 (Improvements):

  • Updated Tornado sprite and animation
  • Minor performance improvements

Update 8/2/2024 (Target Acquired):

  • Fixed issue where spells would fail to target the boss when it was the only enemy on screen.
  • Fixed issue where spells would sometimes fire at the beginning of the game and get stuck in place.

Update 7/30/2024 (Fixes & Improvements):

  • Fixed issue causing Iron Slime to spawn at the beginning of the game
  • Changed Flamesplosion behavior (thanks to DarkTarconis for the suggestion!):
    • When firing multiple flamesplosions (when you have Ring 1 or 2), the last attack will always target the closest enemy, while the others will target randomly.
    • Increased time between firing multiple flamesplosion bolts from 0.2 to 0.5 seconds to reduce likelihood of AoE overlap.

Update 7/29/2024 (Slimier Slimes):

  • Added new mini boss
  • Added Armor stat to all enemies 
  • Improved slime animations to make them more slime-like
  • Updated Magnate icon for better readability (thanks Forkmantis for the feedback!)

Update 7/27/2024 (Loot Drops!):

  • Added loot drops.  All enemies now have a chance to drop helpful items:
    • The Biscuit: Heals for up to 25 hp.
    • The Magnate: Pulls all experience gems to the player
    • Magical Potential: Upgrades a single item the player already has one level. (currently only drops from certain enemies)
  • QoL Improvements:
    • Added a health bar to the slime boss
    • Extended duration of damage text on screen slightly for readability

Update 7/15/2024 (More Performance Work & Audio):

  • New audio for Magic Bolt and Flamesplosion, courtesy of @Aarrow
  • Minor performance improvements

Update 7/11/2024 (Continued Performance Work):

  • Minor performance improvements
  • Added Storm Lance class

Update 7/8/2024 (Performance Improvements Redux):

  • Removed most of the performance improvements from the last go around because they caused a ton of terrible bugs
  • Implemented new performance improvements that are less buggy (probably)
    • Game is now playable with several hundred enemies on screen

Update 7/7/2024 (Performance Improvement):

  • Reduced overhead of offscreen entities to improve performance.

Update 7/6/2024 (Bug Fixes):

  • Adjusted end game UI to make room for skip counter and class
  • Fixed bug causing certain spells to stop firing while enemies were still alive

Update 7/2/2024 (2) (A Skippable Experience) [EXPERIMENTAL]:

  •  [EXPERIMENTAL]  Using the "Skip" option on level up now fully refunds the experience gained for use toward the next level.
  • Added Class to end game stats
  • Added count of how many level ups were skipped to end game stats
  • Added Pyromancer Class
  • Added Earthshaker Class
  • Added Frost Fangs Class

Update 7/2/2024 (More Info):

  • Updated Class menu UI to include more details about the boons each class starts with.

Update 6/27/2024 (More Classes):

  • Added three new classes to try out more starting item  and stat combinations

Update 6/26/2024 (Classy Improvements):

  • Improved UI on Class Select menu
  • Adjusted base values on several classes
  • Fixed bug where Battle Mage could select javelin as a starting spell even though they have it by default
  • Redirected "Restart?" button to go to the class select screen
  • Reduced base volume of the Whirlpool SFX

Update 6/24/2024 (Feeling Classy) [EXPERIMENTAL]:

  • Added starting classes!
    • Each class differs in stats and starting items (sprites are WIP)
    • Class selection currently only occurs when starting from the menu
    • For players who want to play the original class, select "The Purist"
  • Addressed issue causing spells to not fire when the game starts
    • Spells also will not necessarily stop firing after all enemies are defeated

Update 6/13/2024 (Minor Updates):

  • Added audio to Whirlpool ability (thanks again @Aarrow!)
  • Added internal collision on whirlpool for enemies to help prevent them from being thrown at the player
  • Fixed bug in Flamesplosion where the burn mark would apply knockback to enemies

Update 6/3/2024 (New Tunes+):

  • The main background track got a huge upgrade thanks to @Aarrow! Go give his stuff a listen!
  • Experimental: Increased overall game speed.  Would love feedback on the feel of the game at the new tempo.

Update 5/28/2024 (Forceful Fun):

  • New Upgrade: Force Funnel
    • Increase knockback force and projectile speed by a fixed amount per level for all abilities
    • Whirlpool pull is also effected by this upgrade
    • Intended to reduce reliance on Speed upgrade to complete the game and allow for more variety of play
  • Adjusted speed and knockback recovery of various enemies

Update 5/27/2024 (Fixes and Tweaks):

  • Fixed issue where whirlpool did not pull enemies towards the center of the whirlpool.
  • Increased the speed at which Javelin returns to the player by 25%.
  • Adjusted enemy and attack layers to prevent large AoEs from covering enemies or other attacks.
  • Improve garbage collecting to reduce memory usage.

Update 5/15/2024 (Whirlpool!):

  • New Spell: Whirlpool
    • Player drops a small stationary AoE that expands after a short channel
    • Enemies and Loot are pulled into the whirlpool
    • Does not benefit from Ring
  • Fixed bug where enemies could get stuck outside the level colliders
  • Minor performance improvements

Update 5/8/2024 (Walls):

  • Added walls to mark the end of the playable area (enemies can spawn beyond those walls)
  • Collider changes to improve performance

Update 5/2/2024 (Bug Fix):

  • Fixed bug where all attacks would suddenly stop after a level up. 

Update 4/30/2024 (Bug Fix):

  • Fixed bug where, if Quake is the first spell selected, it would sometimes spawn a permanent AoE that launches enemies into orbit. 

Update 4/29/2024 (Boss Item Tracker):

  • Added indicator to track boss item drop when it moves off the screen
  • Updated Quake description text provide level up details
  • Fixed audio bug where Quake volume was not being adjusted with sfx volume
  • Fixed issue where spells keep firing after all enemies are dead (again)

Update 4/24/2024 (Skip!):

  • Added level up "Skip" button to allow players with specific build aspirations to skip selection when none of the options rolled are suitable.

Update 4/23/2024.1 (Fixes, Balancing, Improvements):

  • Fix bug where regen could cause HP to exceed the max
  • Quake Improvements:
    • Added visual time to item icon
    • Increased base area by 20%
    • Increased damage at level 2 instead of level 3
    • Increased damage and knockback at level 4

Update 4/23/2024 (Bug Fix):

  • Fixed Quake knockback pushing all enemies in the same direction instead of away from the player.

Update 4/22/2024 (Quaking in anticipation):

  • New Spell: Quake!
    • AoE centered on player
    • Strong knockback
    • Moderate damage
    • Does not benefit from Ring
  • New Upgrade: Regen!
    • Flat health regeneration per second
    • Scales to level 4
  • Updated Ring detail text to reflect actual effect

Update 4/9/2024 (Bug Fixes):

  • Fixed bug causing level-up screen to show double the options
  • Fixed bug causing all projectiles to fire, stay in place, and not despawn after all enemies have been defeated
  • Fixed bug on mobile where leveling up would always select the first option (thank you to Deemand for reporting the issue!)

Update 4/5/2024 (Boom: Improvements and Rebalance)

  • Flamesplosion:
    • Added Timer visual to ability icon
    • Increased base AoE size
    • Corrected colliders not lining up with visuals
    • Fixed background runtime errors
  • Magic Bolt
    • Fixed issue where maxed out Magic Bolt (MB4, Ring2, Scroll4) had a slower rate of fire than lower levels
    • Increased time between volleys from 1.0 > 1.5 seconds
    • Decreased level 4 volley reduction from 0.5 > 0.25 seconds

Update 4/4/2024 (Boom.)

  • New Spell: Flamesplosion!
    • Lingering Area of Effect
    • High damage
    • Very Low rate of fire
  • Fixed issue where projectiles track with player movement
  • Improved controller support on all menus
    • Continuing to investigate controller issues on Level Up menu
  • Fixed issue where game could be paused/un-paused while in the Level Up menu
  • Added Restart button to Pause menu
  • Minor adjustments to virtual joystick on mobile

Update 3/20/2024 (Mobile Compatibility!)

  • Added touch controls for mobile
  • Enabled mobile view for Itch page

Update 3/19/2024:

  • Added controller support (experimental)
  • Added visual cooldown timer to Tornado spell
  • Adjusted Current Spells/Items UI for readability

Update 3/18/2024 (Can You Hear Me?):

  • Added Options menu to Main Menu for audio controls
  • Added Pause Menu with  audio controls
  • Removed player collider to test game feel and improve performance
  • Additional adjustments made to improve performance

Update 3/17/2024 (The Lizard Brain Update):

  • Added damage indicators to enemies
  • Added kill counter to game and endgame stats
  • Added Pause functionality (button on screen and "esc" key)
  • Updated Magic Bolt VFX (for visual flare)
  • Adjusted later enemy stats to address difficulty falloff
  • Fix memory leak causing resource usage to scale after all enemies are defeated 

Update 3/16/2024 (The Actual Ending Update):

  • Added boss drop to end game
  • Added new upgrade: Bonus Health
  • Added replay option to end game screen
  • Added visual feedback when enemies take damage
  • Added damage buff to Tornado at level 4
  • Adjusted spawn times for certain waves
  • Adjusted speed at which gems are pulled in
  • Updated experience bar visuals
  • Fixed level up menu title always displaying starting weapon text
  • Fixed duplicated stats list when player dies

Update 3/14/2024 (The Weapon Select Update):

  • Added starting weapon select at start of game
  • Added new enemy
  • Added new waves
  • Fixed Stats reset issue
  • Updated Javelin sprite

Update 3/13/2024 (The Stats Updated):


  • Added stats to end game screen
  • Minor adjustments to attack collision
  • Updated UI Icon rendering

[ Page]

  • Enabled Comments

Update 3/12/2024:

  • Added feedback when player gets hit
  • Added new "Magic Bolt" weapon
    • Fires 3 bolts of magic targeting the nearest enemy
    • Low damage per bolt
  • Increased speed at which Javelin returns to the player
    • Intended to improve Javelin reliability
  • Increased Base Movement Speed (40 -> 50)
  • Reduced Movement Speed Upgrade Amount (50% of base -> 25% of base)
  • Improved visibility of experience drops
Updated 1 day ago
StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorMr. Sacralidge
Made withAudacity, Godot, Aseprite
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen, Smartphone


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(1 edit)

This game gets better and better every time I play!

I think I found another bug. On a second round I had the option to select the item/spell/w/e "name" with a pretty generic description of something like, enter description here or something. So I picked it. It has the quake animation but no icon for the spell in the top left. It sends the enemies flying off screen. I assume it's similar to the 4/30 bug fix given the description. It just wasn't permanent as I could run into the enemy and take damage before it would eventually trigger.

Great job! I very much enjoyed the javelin/quake build I was running before that. 😁

Oh, I'm still playing on mobile, Incase that matters.

Hey Deemand!  Thanks again for the feedback.  I was working on the next ability and missed removing my test item from the game before shipping the update.  Good news though, that ability, along with some other fixes and (very) minor performance improvements is getting posted presently!  

Again, super appreciate the feedback!


Pretty sweet game. Patch notes imply you already know about it, but just in case it's related but not what you are looking into.

On mobile the level up menu just auto picks something when you take your finger off the joystick.

Thanks for the feedback! The issue listed in the patch notes is actually in reference to controller input. I did not know about this issue in mobile, thank you for reporting it! I'll look into it.

This bug has been fixed. Thanks for reporting it!